32.5.2 Reduce the "adjustment %" in s19(3) to 75% (as the client is not at work) or do we treat it like other paid leave such as LSL and recreation leave?
During the 12 weeks period of "confinement" the number of hours worked for the purposes of the "adjustment %" in s19(3) should be the % that would have applied were it not for the pregnancy/maternity (ie treated similarly to a period of recreation leave or LSL);
Outside the 12 week period of "confinement" the number of hours worked for the purposes of the "adjustment %" in s19(3) should be the % based on the hours the client actually worked in the week;
Note in some cases the client may take other paid leave such as LSL and recreation leave in conjunction with the maternity leave. The other paid leave should be treated similarly to maternity leave.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/incapacity-handbook/ch-32-ae-and-s194/325-effect-maternity-leave-incapacity-work-benefits-s193/3252-reduce-adjustment-s193-75-client-not-work-or-do-we-treat-it-other-paid-leave-such-lsl-and