90.3 Transportation Costs Incurred by Another Person

Sub section 16(9) provides for compensation to be paid to a person who reasonably incurs costs for the transportation of another person to an appropriate facility for treatment after that other person sustained an injury, contracted a disease, or to a mortuary when that other person has died.

This provision is only to enable the costs of transporting a person immediately after a service injury or disease has been sustained or contracted, or where the person has died.  This provision is not to be used for the reimbursement of travel conducted for the purpose of attending normal medical treatment.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/general-handbook/ch-90-compensation-travel-and-accommodation-costs-under-safety-rehabilitation-and-compensation-act-1988-srca/903-transportation-costs-incurred-another-person