62.1.1 Access to VCES for certain MRCC clients

Where an ADB or SIA payment has been made to a member or to a dependent of a deceased member, the member's children are entitled to access VCES counselling resources (although they are not eligible for VCES financial support unless otherwise so qualified).

Where there is eligibility for VCES counselling assistance, the assessor should advise the client of this and provide the appropriate VCES contact information. The local VCES office should be notified of the names and addresses of the children (and of the parent or guardian for those children who are under 18).

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/general-handbook/ch-62-defence-determination-200001/621-veterans-children-education-scheme-vces/6211-access-vces-certain-mrcc-clients