63.8 Offset Arrangements

In simple terms, when the MRCC proposes to pay a benefit to an employee with claims accepted under the DRCA (or its predecessors) and the VEA (and its predecessor), contact is made with the Disability Compensation Payment and if appropriate Income Support areas of the respective DVA State Office.

Standard Letters are available for this purpose.


As a general rule, if MRCC makes incapacity payments or pays a lump sum for permanent impairment, any payment made under the VEA for the same condition is limited. The actual amount by which payments are affected varies and any information on impact of MRCC payments should be provided by the appropriate delegate in the Disability Compensation Payment area of DVA.

VEA: Chapter 63
  • Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 as amended by the Veterans' Affairs Legislation Amendment (Budget and Compensation Measures) Act 1997 (No.157/1997)
  • DCA 83 : Declaration of Peacekeeping, Hazardous and Operational Service under the VEA



Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/general-handbook/ch-63-veterans-entitlements-act-1986/638-offset-arrangements