50.1 Claims Processing through Defcare

It is mandatory that delegates who are required to determine all post 1 December 1988 primary liability issues, all incapacity benefits and all permanent impairment claims to use the relevant Defcare calculators in appropriate cases.

It is also mandatory that the resulting calculations to be saved in Defcare. Failure to use the calculators will be recorded as an error for QA purposes if the failure is found during QA checks and the relevant staff member will, where appropriate, be counselled about that failure. As further Defcare calculators become available in the future, their use and storage of the results in Defcare will also be mandatory.

The Defcare User Manual provides guidance and policy regarding use of the system and can be found at:


Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-srca-manuals-and-resources-library/general-handbook/ch-50-defcare/501-claims-processing-through-defcare