6.3.5 Increasing Pay and Allowances
Section 185 provides that the delegate is required to include increments in calculating ADF pay for the purposes of normal earnings as well as changes in a person's pay or allowances arising from changes in awards, determinations, etc. The inclusion of increments in earnings calculations will apply to serving members and former members who have been medically discharged. This information should be sought from DVA SAM at the time of commencing payments.
Section 186 provides for increases in pay and allowances arising from Defence Force promotions to be incorporated into normal earnings for full-time members, part-time Reservists, part-time Reservists who were CFTS Reservists and certain former CFTS Reservists. For example, if a member is injured as a Corporal and later discharges as a Sergeant, the promotion to Sergeant is included in the calculation of NE.
Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-mrca-manuals-and-resources-library/policy-manual/ch-6-incapacity-payments/63-general-rules-calculating-incapacity-payments/635-increasing-pay-and-allowances