6.5.16 Incapacity to Attend Medical Appointments

Last amended: 10 October 2013

Where a person takes time off work to attend a medical appointment in accordance with section 328 of the MRCA, that is, an appointment arranged by the MRCC (specialist medical review), there is no entitlement to incapacity payments.   However, section 328 provides for us to pay compensation for costs reasonably incurred by the person. e.g.  cost of consultation and associated journey.  These costs should be paid through DOLARS, not PMKeyS.

Where a person takes time off work to attend a medical appointment for the purposes of treatment then incapacity payments may be payable.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/military-compensation-mrca-manuals-and-resources-library/policy-manual/ch-6-incapacity-payments/65-investigating-claim-incapacity-payments/6516-incapacity-attend-medical-appointments