Land holdings might be described in the various States and Territories within Australia by reference to their legal description.  For example:

'That piece or parcel of land situate in parish of......County or Shire of............ being Lot No....(or Portion...) in Deposited Plan No......... being whole or part of land in the Certificate of Title Volume No......... Folio No.......'.

However, this detail is inappropriate for correspondence purposes.  Physical identification may be satisfied by simple reference to lot numbers or allotment numbers, together with the street name, especially in the case of new housing areas.  In other cases reference may be made to block and section numbers.  These numbers may be replaced later by street numbers when they are known.  The address in some small towns or villages may not include a street name.

The combinations of data in the street number and street name fields may vary.  For example:

Street Number (recorded in Street No  field) with Street Name;

Block, Section etc (recorded in Street No field) with Street Name;

Block, Section etc (recorded in Street No field) without Street Name.

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/health-policy-library/defence-service-homes-dsh/general-orders/data-entry-protocols/5-addressee-details-correspondence/51-street-numbers/512-street-number-examples-states