Please read in conjunction with COI 18 & 47






11.2.1. Eligible  spouse not assisted.

Two Initial Advances of up to $25,000 each for purposes in S18(2).

(2 applications if more than $25,000 is sought-once only opportunity unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA)).  Such persons may receive concurrent assistance at any time and not 'once only'.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

25 years.

Available if $50,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.

Available after Initial Advance granted.

11.2.2.  Spouse assisted solely - DSH loan discharged before his/her death.

Two Initial Advances of up to $25,000 each for purposes in S18(2).

(2 applications if more than $25,000 is sought-once only opportunity unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA)).  Such persons may receive concurrent assistance at any time and not 'once only'.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

25 years.

Available if $50,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.

Available after Initial Advance granted.

11.2.3. Husband assisted solely - DSH loan current at his death, widow wishes to move.


Widow should be counselled accordingly.  Read in conjunction with COI 18 & 47.

1)Two Initial Advances of up to $25,000 each for purposes in S18(2).

(2 applications if more than $25,000 is sought-once only opportunity unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA)).  Such persons may receive concurrent assistance at any time and not 'once only'. [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].   OR

25 years

Available if $50,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.

Available after Initial Advance granted.

2)  Initial Advance of up to $25,000 for purposes in S18(2). (1 application) - opportunity for second Initial Advance lost unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA). Such persons may receive concurrent assistance at any time and not 'once only'.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

25 years.

Available if $25,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.

If a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA) subsequently uses part of that entitlement, an A/A is available if $50,000 exceeds the sum of the previous advances to the widow.  This also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA).

Available after Initial Advance granted.

11.2.4.  Spouse assisted solely - DSH loan current at his death, widow/widower wishes to remain in DSH.


Widow/widower should be counselled accordingly.  Read in conjunction with COI 18 & 47. - Property not already transferred

- If to be transferred.

(1)  Widow/widower may apply for a Transfer of Ownership and may be issued with a C of E under S22. Takes over balance of late  spouse's loan - amount and interest rate remain unchanged.  Once the Bank has actioned the C of E the widow/widower becomes a borrower in own right and therefore loses any entitlement to an Initial Advance unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA).  Such persons may receive concurrent assistance at any time and not 'once only'.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

(1)  Balance of term of late  spouse's loan.

Available for the amount by which $25,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the limit at transfer to the widow/widower and any Additional Advances made to the widow/widower. Term of Additional Advance to be balance of current loan, unless circumstances warrant longer term in accordance with S36(1)(b)(ii).

If a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA) subsequently uses part of that entitlement, an A/A is available if $50,000 exceeds the above sum plus the previous advance/s to the widow.   This also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA).

Available after transfer.

(2)Two Initial Advances of up to $25,000 each for purposes in S18(2).

(2 applications if more than $25,000 is sought-once only opportunity unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA)).    Such persons may receive concurrent assistance at any time and not 'once only'.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)]. OR

(2)  25 years.

(2)Available if $50,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.

Available after Initial Advance granted. - If not to be transferred.

Continue to pay off existing loan.  Retains both entitlements to Initial Advance for later use.

Continuation of term of late  spouse's loan.

Not available – she/he is not a purchaser or borrower.

Not available – she/he is not a purchaser or borrower.

11.2.5. Assisted as a joint tenant with late  spouse on his/her service eligibility - loan not discharged - no Add/Adv or Widow/Widower/ Essential Repairs Advance taken as a widow/widower.

Widow/widower should be counselled accordingly. Read in conjunction with COI 18 & 47.

Two Initial Advances of up to $25,000 each for purposes in S18(2).

(2 applications if more than $25,000 is sought-once only opportunity unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA)).  Such persons may receive concurrent assistance at any time and not 'once only'.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

25 years

Available if $50,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.

Available after Initial Advance granted.

  • – Widow/widower wishes to remain in DSH.


Widow/widower should be counselled accordingly. Read in conjunction with COI 18  & 47.

(1)  Two Initial Advances of up to $25,000 each, part of which is used to pay out late  spouse's loan and the balance for any purpose listed in S18(2) - (2 applications) - once only opportunity unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA).  Such persons may receive concurrent assistance at any time and not 'once only'.   [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

25 years.

Available if $50,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.

Available after Initial Advance granted.

2)  Continues to pay off existing loan - retains both entitlements to an Initial Advance for later use.

Continuation of term of late  spouse's loan.

Available if $25,000 exceeds the amount of the Initial Advance to the joint tenants.  The term of any Additional Advance is to be the balance of the current loan, or such longer term in accordance with S36(1)(b)(ii).  If widow takes up an Additional Advance she loses entitlement to Initial Advance/s unless the entitlement stems from her status as a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA).  This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA).

Available, but if widow/widower takes up Widow/Widower/ Essential Repairs Advance she/he loses all entitlements to an Initial Advance.

11.2.6. Assisted as a joint tenant with late  spouse on his/her service eligibility - loan not discharged - Additional/Advance or Widow/Widower/ Essential Repairs Advance taken as a widow/widower.

  • – Widow/widower wishes to move.

When Additional Advance or Widow/Widower/ Essential Repairs Advance granted, widow/widower becomes a borrower in own right and therefore has access to Further Advance under portability provisions to limit of current loan including Additional Advances made to the widow/widower.  The amount of any Further Advance would, of course by definition, exclude the amount of any Widow/Widower/ Essential Repairs Advance previously made.  If a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA) entitlement to a separate initial and subsequent further advance entitlement remains.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

Balance of term of existing/previous advance/s.

If previous loan discharged on or after 9/12/87 and before 9/5/95, the sum of previous terms used since becoming borrower in own right must not exceed 25 years.

Available if $25,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance to the joint tenants or the Further Advance to the widow/widower in accordance with the principle in Entitlement.GO 3.4.4. and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.  The term to be unexpired part of current loan unless circumstances warrant longer term in accordance with S36(1)(b)(ii).

If a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA) subsequently uses part of that entitlement, an A/A is available if $50,000 exceeds the above sum plus the previous advance/s to the widow.  This also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA).


  • – Widow/Widower wishes to remain in DSH.


When AdditionalAdvance or Widow/Widower/ Essential Repairs Advance granted, widow/widower becomes a borrower in own right and therefore has no entitlement to an Initial Advance unless a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA). If a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA) entitlement to a separate initial and subsequent further advance entitlement remains.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

1)  Existing loan continues.  OR

Continuation of current loan term.

Available if $25,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance to the joint tenants and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.  The term to be unexpired part of current loan unless circumstances warrant longer term in accordance with S36(1)(b)(ii).


(2) A Further Advance under portability provisions to refinance the current loan including any Additional Advances. If a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA) entitlement to a separate initial and subsequent further advance entitlement remains.  [NB. This exception rule also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA)].

Balance of term of existing/previous advance/s.

If previous loan discharged on or after 9/12/87 and before 9/5/95, the sum of previous terms used since becoming borrower in own right must not exceed 25 years.

Available if $25,000 exceeds the sum of the amounts of the Initial Advance to the joint tenants or the Further Advance to the widow/widower in accordance with the principle in EntitlementGO 3.4.4. and any previous Additional Advance made to the widow/widower.  The term to be unexpired part of current loan unless circumstances warrant longer term in accordance with S36(1)(b)(ii).

If a WWII ex-servicewoman listed in ss4(2AA) subsequently uses part of that entitlement, an A/A is available if $50,000 exceeds the above sum plus the previous advance/s to the widow.  This also applies to veteran widowers of WWII ex-servicewomen listed in ss4(2AA).


Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/health-policy-library/defence-service-homes-dsh/general-orders/entitlement/widowswidowers-benefits/appendix-widows-table/112-widowwidower-own-service-not-assisted-herhis-service