2.4.11 Pooled Use of Entitlements

Each eligible person will be allocated a file number when applying for an Initial Advance.  Two file numbers are also allocated where a widow/widower who is also an Australian soldier pools both entitlements.  Death of an eligible party.  In the event that one of the parties dies, the deceased person's loan will continue because the surviving party automatically becomes the sole owner by survivorship.  The other eligible party will, therefore, be repaying both loans and both file numbers will remain active.  Transfer cases.  When one party's interest is being transferred to the other, the application is to be treated in accordance with Entitlement GO 10.6.  Under that GO, each eligible person's loan entitlement is to be protected for individual use.  The file numbers allocated to each entitlement remain with the individual.  Insurance.  Insurance may attach to either file number in pooled use of entitlements cases.  In the case of:-

  • Death

Where insurance attaches to the file number of a spouse/party that dies, the file number used for insurance purposes would remain unchanged (See GO's above).

  • Divorce/separation

Where the file number attaching to the insurance relates to the qualifying person who is now not the insured party, the file number for insurance purposes must be changed to the file number of the person who is the insured.

NOTE:  It may be possible for two insurance policies to have been assigned the one file number (eg portability/transfers).

Source URL: https://clik.dva.gov.au/health-policy-library/defence-service-homes-dsh/general-orders/subsidy-procedures/2-allocation-file-numbers/24-when-file-number-should-be-changedretained/2411-pooled-use-entitlements