Establishing Proof of Relationship to a Veteran

Establishing proof of relationship to a deceased veteran or member

Evidence of a dependent partner's relationship to a deceased veteran or member is required to support a claim for payments or benefits if this has not been established by previous claims.

Documents required in respect of a widow/widower or de facto spouse

A widow, widower or de facto spouse claiming pension is required to provide the following documentation:

Documents required in respect of a child

For each child named in the claim, the following documents are required:

Natural or adopted or dependent child of the veteran, member or claimant

The following table shows when the child of a veteran or other person is required to be related to and/or wholly or substantially dependent on the veteran or member to be eligible (subject to other eligibility criteria also being met), for Veterans' Children Education Scheme (VCES) or orphan's pension or income support benefits.    


If the claim is for...

And the child, is...

Then to be eligible...

VCES or orphan's pension

the natural or adopted child of the living or deceased veteran or member

they are not required to be or to have been wholly or substantially dependent on the veteran or member at any time.

VCES or orphan's pension

not the natural or adopted child of the living veteran or member

they must be wholly or substantially dependent on the veteran or member.

VCES or orphan's pension

not the natural or adopted child of the deceased veteran or member

they must have been wholly or substantially dependent on the veteran or member immediately before their death.

Income support payment or benefit

  • the natural or adopted child of the claimant, or
  • not the natural or adopted child of the claimant

they must be wholly or substantially dependent on the claimant, (whether veteran, widow/widower or partner).


Establishing authorisation to contact on behalf of a pensioner

When contact is made on behalf of a pensioner it is important to check the client record to see whether the person is authorised to act on behalf of the pensioner and the extent or limits of the authority. Once a delegate is satisfied that the person is authorised, a security check must be conducted to check the identity of the caller.

In some circumstances, where written authorisation of the third party does not already exist, it may still be possible for a notified event to be recorded and actioned, subject to authorisation subsequently being obtained from the client. A security check must be conducted in these circumstances, so that the delegate may be satisfied that the caller does have a relationship to the veteran.

Note: For more details, see CLIK Procedure Library - 2.2.6.



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