Proof of Identity Overview

Purpose of proof of identity check

The model adopted by DVA is developed in line with the Whole of Government approach adopted by Australian government agencies. A proof of identity (POI) check is made on claimants (including trustees and agents) and their dependants to ensure that payments and benefits are made to the right person and to deter the fraudulent use of identities. Mechanisms such as data matching are also in place which can detect instances of fraud, including claims based on false identity.    


Establishing proof of identity or relationship to a veteran

The model for establishing POI introduces a standardised framework across DVA. The model includes the requirement to produce documents proving birth or arrival in Australia and documents as evidence of the identity operating in the community. A dependant claiming on the basis of their relationship to a veteran or member is required to provide documentation as evidence of that relationship existing.    


Effect of proof of identity on claim

There are no specific provisions in the VEA, DRCA, MRCA or social security law requiring that the identity of the claimant must be proved when making a claim. However, a delegate needs to be satisfied in respect of all matters relating to a claim. This includes that the identity of the claimant and the claimant's relationship with the veteran or member, where appropriate, are genuine. The standard of proof is based on the standard of reasonable satisfaction. There are provisions to grant payments or benefits temporarily while awaiting for POI to be established, in emergency and hardship situations.    


Automatic POI for members who have joined the ADF from 1 January 2016 and/or separated from 27 July 2016.

POI is automatically established for current and former serving members who have joined the permanent forces or commenced a period of Continuous Full-time Service from 1 January 2016 and/or separated from 27 July 2016.

DVA will rely on the identification and security clearance procedures used by the ADF to satisfy DVA identity requirements.  Under this arrangement, members will not need to provide any POI documentation when making their claim.


Modified POI check for current serving members, reservists and trainees with a current, valid, purple or orange ADF ID card.

DVA staff are able to fully authenticate the POI of a current serving member, reservist or trainee who holds a current, valid purple (current serving members and reservists) or orange (ADF trainees) ADF ID card using just the ID card as proof of identity.

This reflects existing information sharing arrangements with Defence and allows for eligible clients to bypass the more rigorous 100 point check.

Streamlined POI for clients eligible to use MyService

Clients with a PMKeyS number are eligible to submit their claims online via MyService. Claims submitted through MyService undergo an online, streamlined POI checking process at the time an account is created. This process is Commission approved. Once a client is registered in MyService, they have satisfied all POI provisions for DVA. There is no requirement to request additional documents or undertake additional POI checks for these clients.


Delegate's discretion regarding proof of identity

The test is that the delegate is satisfied there are no doubts about the pensioner's identity. Therefore, there is discretion not to rigorously apply a full or modified POI check, where otherwise indicated in these guidelines. For example, if a person returns to payability immediately after being cancelled there is no need to obtain refreshed identity documents where the delegate has no cause to doubt the identity of the claimant.


Standard of proof of identity documentation

The POI documentation provided in respect of a DVA claim for payment or benefit is required to meet specified standards. Provisions exist for claimants who are unable to provide proof of identity documents according to the standard requirements.    


Proof of identity not provided

If the claimant or dependant do not provide satisfactory POI to enable their identity to be proven by either a standard or non-standard check, the claim must be rejected. The rejection is based on the grounds that the claimant's status cannot be proven because the decision maker cannot be reasonably satisfied as to the claimant's identity.    

More →


Standard and non-standard proof of identity

2.2.2 Establishing Proof of Identity


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Recording proof of identity details on VIEW

Once a proof of identity check has been conducted, it is important to record this action in the comments tab of VIEW. The types of POI documentation sighted and verified should also be recorded. This allows a person to prove their identity to the department once, and for this information to be used for other departmental purposes where POI may be required.

If a modified POI check is subsequently conducted, where, for example, a person has reclaimed after 12 months of cancellation and the person is not in receipt of any DVA payments, then the comment should reflect this.

Examples of recording proof of identity details on VIEW.

Where the POI check conducted was...

Then the comments may appear as...

full POI check

Summary text: POI verified by USER ID - full POI check

Text: Documents used: Certified copies of full birth certificate (cat A), Medicare card (cat B), and driver's licence (cat B)

modified POI check

Summary text: POI verified by USER ID - modified POI check

Text: Documents used - Medicare card (cat B) and current utilities notice (cat C).

Automatic POI for current and former ADF members who joined from 1 January 2016 and/or separated from 27 July 2016

Summary text : POI Verified – Early Engagement Upload dd/mm/yyyy

Streamlined check for current serving members (CSM) & reservists & ADF trainees who hold an current ADF ID card

Summary text: POI verified by USER ID – CSM/reservist/trainee streamlined  POI check

Text: Documents used – Current, valid purple or orange ADF ID Card

Streamlined check for MyService clients

Summary text: MyService Registration POI



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