Payment Arrangements for Dependent Child Bereavement Payment




Section 53S VEA - Provision continuing payment during bereavement period

Section 53T VEA - Provision identifying bereavement payment component and enabling lump sum payment


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Dependent Child Bereavement Payment



An eligible pensioner is entitled to receive 98 days of entitlement at the rate that would have been payable had the child not died.

Components of pension included



The additional components of pension in respect of a dependent child that make up the bereavement payment include:

Payment arrangements



The child related components of pension representing the bereavement payment can be:

  • paid as a lump sum, or
  • incorporated into regular pension payments over the bereavement period; or
  • a combination of both.
Reassessment at end of bereavement period



The pensioner's rate is reassessed at the end of the 98 day bereavement period.



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