Survivor Dies During Bereavement Period

Last amended 19 July 2005

No amount of lump sum recoverable

If a partnered pensioner bereavement payment has been paid to the partner of a deceased pensioner as a lump sum, and he or she then dies during the bereavement period, no amount of the bereavement payment is recoverable as an overpayment.

Stop amounts not yet paid

If entitlements of bereavement payment relating to the first deceased pensioner, have not been released when the partner dies, any of those entitlements that were to be made on paydays after the death of the partner should be stopped. The payment needs to be recalculated to adjust for the partner's date of death.

Partner dies before partnered pensioner bereavement payment paid

If the partner dies within the bereavement period, but before the partnered pensioner bereavement payment has been paid regarding the first deceased pensioner, then the second partner to die is still eligible to be paid for pension and partnered bereavement payment but only up to and including the day of their death. Then a 14 days entitlement of single pensioner bereavement payment is also payable to the partner's estate.     

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Single Pensioner Bereavement Payment

Section 8.1.3

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Simultaneous death of both pensioners

If both members of a couple die at the same time, the elder partner is deemed under law to have died first. The younger partner, who is deemed to have died second, is eligible to be paid a single pensioner bereavement payment. For bereavement purposes, the rate is calculated on the basis that they were a single pensioner at the time of death.     

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Single Pensioner Bereavement Payment

Section 8.1.3

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Both members of a couple died on the same day but at different times

If both members of a couple died on the same day, but at different times, the actual time of the death determines the order of death. The partner who died second is eligible to be paid one day of pension and one day of partnered pensioner bereavement payment in respect of the partner who died first. Then a 14 days entitlement of single pensioner bereavement payment is also payable to the estate of the partner who died second.     

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Single Pensioner Bereavement Payment

Section 8.1.3

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